Thursday, December 31, 2020


 due to the holiday we are taking a small break from streaming

we will continue on Jan 2

stay safe.

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

notice 12/29/2020

 Todays YouTube live show will be delayed until 1:30 PM EST

The show will cover work in Daz Studio

Thank You

Monday, December 28, 2020

here is a link to the show if your interested (comics)

 here is the link to show 01

the next shows will be most days or every other day

at 12 noon EST

Next live show - Comic work 12 noon EST

 YouTube LIVE 12 noon EST

comic book work

hi all 12/28/2020

 later today I will be doing a YouTube live stream.

I will attempt to give a 30 minute notice here and it will be strictly comic work.

Twitch is for gaming

YouTube is for comic work.

When we get all the bugs out, we will try and arrange a regular schedule

Thank you for your support.

Sunday, December 27, 2020 works :-)

 so, we have the ability to stream on YouTube live

So here is the current plan -

The twitch stream will be for gaming only (mainly D+D HCL)


YouTube will be strictly for Comic art production.

Twitch - gaming

YouTube - Art Work

............ cool

also as a note for both streams

No Politics - I am politically active on Facebook but these streams are not the place for that.

No Religion 

Happy Yule Time

Saturday, December 26, 2020

Thursday, December 24, 2020

watch those guide lines when making a comic digitally

 OK, when you create your comic digitally and you see comic page guides (trust me, use them)

you have to keep in mind what will be printed, what prob will be printed and what will

likely not get printed followed by what REALLY can't be printed.

sounds insane - welcome to comics

The center area to the first guide border (SAFE - make sure all dialog is in this area)

first inner border line to the next guide line (Bleed) will 'likely' be included

anything past that, consider it on the printer floor.

here is the same page, one untrimmed and the other trimmed like you will likely see

in the finished product.

notice how the bottom looks bigger but it has just has not been trimmed

Happy Holidays

Monday, December 21, 2020

 IT IS ALIVE !!!!!

yes, I am doing random streams of comic work and

am back to full time comic work,

GOD, I am so rusty...   Pandemic killing my skills

Last sample

You can still see me working on other pages during the stream but I will not be posting those

here or Facebook, you will just have to watch the stream to see them.

Every issue I plan to post the basic cover and a sample page.

need coffee...

Monday, August 17, 2020

Back to work

 Aug 17th and as things are starting to stabilize, work 

now continues with the comic...finally :-P

streams of comic work will begin again, mainly

in the morning 7am - 7:30 am-ish

Wednesday, June 17, 2020


Today, Standing Stone Games released that the next HCL (3)
will start next Wed. but more interesting is that the VIP
pay wall comes down and it will be open to all.

Saturday, June 13, 2020


We will be starting a stream by 3PM EST or EARLIER
got a lot to do and a couple of renders took longer than expected
 See you then

Friday, June 12, 2020

6-12-2020 Doing MUCH better

We are back on a regular art schedule
I will be streaming at 3PM EST -ish
well will be revisiting our rough draft and come out
with a list of shots we need to move forward

1. Rough draft
2. Daz model assets
3. pick assets for comic and adjust with PS as needed
4. take final assets and make line and comic versions via software
5. take all of that + hand inking, coloring, masking and you get finished scenes
6. draft out conversations, sound FX, comic FX - place text balloons
7. construct pages
8. Q&A
9. done
10 Start issue 2  (issue 1 will only be published when I am finalizing the next issue)

We publish one issue once the next issue is completed so we are always
1 issue ahead.

reminder, we have set a goal to be bi-monthly --- if we have to will go
quarterly but prefer bi-monthly

Quality > quantity

ok, see you on the stream

Thursday, June 4, 2020

not doing so good

ok, I have either strained my right shoulder
or have torn a rotatory cup in my shoulder (has happened once before)

either way
not doing any art like this so work is TEMP suspended

will post when things change


Due to delivery issues, today's stream has been canceled, we will continue tomorrow.
thank you.


the 3PM show will be moved to 4PM due to a delivery
thank you for your understanding

6/4/2020 Hi all, today I will TRY to have another art stream at 3PM EST

Hopefully we can finish the basic asset for the cover page... at least the model part.
After I render that a copy of the Daz file and render will be saved for future reference.
ALWAYS keep copies
Then a copy will go to PScc (Photoshop cc) for further adjustments, FX and so on
Backdrops are always a PS thing. DAZ can do them but PS does them MUCH better.
after that we have inking ... however, due to the nature of that particular shot...there will
be very little inking on it.
Text and title is much we will skip that for now.
see you at 3PM EST

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Welcome to my art streams 6/3/2020

Hi all

I have had a few streams where I was 'roughing' out a story
for issue 1. (when I say story, I mean episode) ok the roughs are
done and I will not be roughing issue 2 until issue 1 is fair well along.

so the next stream is scheduled for >>> APPROX<<<<  3PM EST
and will cover creating assets for certain pages in issue one.

Keep in mind a lot of these terms only apply to how I do things
and are not generally industry standard. and sometime they
welcome to my world.

Assets for me come in a couple of flavors

Direct asset - some rendered picture that more or less will be directly
in the comic. Usually high tech gadgets. or tech for short. Things that are just so
cool I don't want to mess up by trying to redrawn them.

Guide assets - Pictures that will definitely be redrawn and greatly altered before it is
put in the comic. Like most characters.

FX assets - explosions !!! hahaha and visual psi FX and that kinda stuff

Comic FX -  B O O M ! in fancy colorful letters ...standard comic stuff

Text - well, folks do talk in my story

so at approx 3PM will start working on the first 2 categories for the first page
or 2

See you then

Sunday, May 31, 2020

Thursday, May 7, 2020

New stuff coming. We might continue streaming gaming when we can but
work is in need of getting caught up (comic).
SO.................. expect some comic art streams.

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

OK welcome to 17 March 2020 - can I please go back to 1980?

Due to various global, national, statewide ... crap

It will be impossible to keep any kinda broadcast schedule.
--- So for the foreseeable future, broadcasts happen when they happen.

This is until some form of stability takes hold in the US.

So, YES will broadcast,
it will just be random and with ZERO voice.
as an anti-virus measure.

See you all there...when I am there



Thursday, March 12, 2020

Hi all,

Just a heads up !
NWO will be starting a reoccurring event called
the Siege of Neverwinter

If you like fighting dragons, now is your chance.

We will be running the Dread Pirate Roberts in the event.

I would also like to introduce some new show character for DDO HCL2
BloodyAlice  - has a famous cat
Dagger based Assassin

See you online :-D

Monday, March 9, 2020

Hello March 8 2020

Had a couple of good broadcasts, got raided once :-P
Had a bit of trouble with mute/un-mute mic so eliminated
the hot key so it would no happen again.

Yo Ho !

The daily format (future)
some morning shows that feature ANY D&D game (infrequent)
NW2, Balder's Gate, or NWO or DDO
(no comments and generally ignore chat)

Afternoon block (daily)
NWO - The Dread Pirate
(few comments, answer chat when I can)

Midnight - The Midnight Pirate Show (nightly)
(full commentary and chat interaction)

Laters !

Sunday, March 8, 2020

A 'once over', gotta feed the search engines


If you stumbled on to this blog with out any idea what it is about 'unlikely',
here is a quick snap shot of what this is about.

The MMORPG Dungeons & Dragons Online has a 'biyearly ?' Hard Core League
event featured on a special server created for it.

In the Hard Core League, unlike normal servers, if your character dies ... it is GONE.
--- technically trapped in an area called the dead lands where it is stuck until the event is over, then you can retrieve them.---

There are a lot of fun prizes offered for surviving to certain levels. These prizes are shared
with all of the players characters on other servers as well.

Dungeons & Dragons Online is a 'mostly' F2P game but you need to be a subscriber
to compete in the Hard Core League.

This blog supports The Twitch TV Channel that feature live game-play from that
competitive server. Your welcome to watch (link available on the right) and if you do
watch, please click the follow button there, it helps with the broadcast rating.

Hell, feel free to click follow here as well.

Everything in a nut shell.
I hope the search engine crawlers enjoy their meal. :-D
This is the first post of a blog supporting the Twitch TV channel fatherfungus2008.
The first official show is The Midnight Pirate Show, nightly at midnight EST.
There is a link available to the right. Several unscheduled streams are also broadcast
during the afternoon on an irregular basis.