Monday, November 22, 2021

Yes, still working on the comic

 However, am not making videos.

Holiday season and all. So, more videos will be posted sometime in Jan.

Hopefully we will be doing final renders so we can get into the real artwork

with PS by then but we will see how it goes.


have fun, be safe.

Tuesday, November 2, 2021

A few issues.

 We are continuing posting videos of our work on our YouTube

but the music supplied by You Tube themselves keeps getting flagged

by social media as a copyright violation. So we will discontinue

adding music.

This is a known issue associated with automation of copyright checking software.

We have even had an issue stream online game play (the owners have

confirmed that they have no issue with streaming the game play) but it still

gets flagged as a copyright violation (it is not).

So that is that, no music.